Native American Spirituality Walk

My name is Thom. I am a retired teacher and corporate VP. I embrace the goodness of all religions and seek to build bridges by learning, recognizing differences, looking for those things that are the same or similar theologically, and approaching always with respect and acceptance. Ordained a Permanent Catholic Deacon in 1995 and being active in Social Justice and church ministry, I embraced the Red Path as a way of life that compliments and enriches my Catholic Christian background, beliefs and orientation. I have participated in hundreds of Sweat Ceremonies (Inipi), completed a Vision Quest Circle (4 consecutive Hanblaceyas), and served as Prayer Supporter and Fire Keeper at Sundance. The Lakota Elders gave me a Lakota Name in 2005 at the opening of the Medicine Wheel built on our land. They named me "Tekahgah Chayokton (Bridge Builder) recognizing my work in trying to bring peace and harmony between religions and cultures. Together, Beth and I led Medicine Wheel Ceremonies on our land and hosted retreats or prayer experiences, striving to be true to the Native American, Lakota traditions. I make, play and sell Native American Flutes.

The Hummingbird is Thom's Spirit Sign

My name is Beth. I am the Mother of our land. I guide and offer Spiritual Direction to visitors and friends. Always welcoming physically and spiritually, I try to inspire others with a calming demeanor and personality. With Thom, I too have participated in hundreds of Sweat Ceremonies (Inipi) and completed Vision Quests. Thom always referred to me as the "soul" within our Medicine Wheel Prayer Circle. Living out my Catholic faith, I attempt to always incorporate the Wisdom of Earth Medicine. I am passionate about Social Justice issues both within the human context as well as with our need to live respectfully with the environment and the rest of God's creation. I embrace all aspects of nature as my sisters and brothers. I try to always be compassionate and non-judgmental. I believe that the TURTLE is my spirit sign. The turtle is reflective and able to go inside itself. It carries its house everywhere it goes, and so is always at home no matter where it is or who it is with.

The Turtle is Beth's Spirit Sign

Our Medicine Wheel

Built in 2005 by Lakota Elders from the Michigan Prayer Circle, the Medicine Wheel is a sacred space for communal prayer ceremonies and retreats. Neighbors have access to the Medicine Wheel, and some will visit there often to pray and reflect individually. Click on the Medicine Wheel image to discover more information about this structure and prayer form.

Thom's Flutes